Tuesday 26 July 2011

NCT Friends

Last Wednesday we went to visit Mum's friends. They all formed a group in England when we were all babies & called it the "NCT friends". They are called that becasue before you had your baby you went to these classes called the National Childbirth Trust. We went to Sarah's house & two other ladies turned up as well. All the kids were a bit shy to start with as we hadn't seen each other for ages. Jacob, Oliver & Elliot showed us around their house. Jodie came as well with her Mum. Sarah made pizza, chilli and brownie for tea. The brownie was yummy.

Visiting Uncle Fred

We went to visit Uncle Fred last Friday. When we arrived he gave us a kiss & asked us if we would like a drink. Uncle Fred also bought out a plate of biscuits with some pringles on as well. Next us kids went outside to play. We looked at Uncle Fred's photos in his study. Mum told us it was time to leave & wnated some photos of us with Uncle Fred.

Monday 25 July 2011


On Saturday Archie, Josh, Uncle Angus, Pops and I went to Twickenham for a tour. We got there at about 10.30am so we had a look around the shop Mum gave us some money to spend. The tour started at 11.00am first we just got a look inside of how big it was, it has about 82,000 seats. After that we went to all the boxes including the royal boxes.Later we went to the changing rooms and I sat were Mike Tindall sits. When we went out onto the pitch jehovas witnesses were doing a play so we ran through a whole lot a shepherds. We weren't allowed on the pitch so then we went to the rugby museum after that we went back to the shop and I bought a poster and a mini world cup ball. 

by Call 

Friday 22 July 2011


Lots of excitement in the Bryan and Trowern house hold today. We are going to London. We were going for one night to just to see all of the sights. When we got on the train Archie was very chatty about the train because he had never been on one. He started counting all the trains that went past and that he could see. He said that he got about 201 but I don't think that he got that many. Finally after a little while we got to Waterloo train station. We had left from Whit church station. We got off the train and went to get our tickets for the London Eye that night. Next we went and found our bus that we had got tickets for to go and see all the sights from that bus. That was great seeing all of the sights from the bus, we could see everything from there. We got off the bus at Westminster Abbey so that we could have a look around. I also bought an umbrella with the Union Jack on it from the gift shop at the Westminster Abbey gift shop. Next we hopped back on the bus and went off to Pizza Express to have tea. Nona had printed off some vouchers from the computer off their website and got a great tea there it was fabulous. Callum, Archie and I had an ice-cream each and the man didn't charge us for Callums ice-cream so Pops gave him a tip. When we got to the Travel Lodge, we had a cuppa and then went to bed because we were so tired. I had to sleep with Nona and Pops in there room because we didn't have enough room with mum. I had great fun that day.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Horse Riding in the New Forest - Friday 15th July

Much excitement today as we were going horse riding. We eventually found the place. The lady got the horses sorted. Katy was riding on Triby, Callum was on Wizbit, Archie was on Bounty & Mummy was on Louie. We went for a half hour ride in the forest. Archie was lead by the lady as it was his first time. We had a little trot, it was very bouncy. We wanted to have another ride as soon as we got back. It was great fun.

Sunday 17 July 2011

New forest - Thursday 14th July

Today we were going to leave for going to go to the New Forest to see Grandma and Grandad while we are over here. Grandma and Grandad were driving from all the way from Glasgow in Scotland. That drive took them about eight hours so they stayed the night in a place called Banbury. We had to have breakfast early so that we could get away early so that we could do alot. We left here about quarter past nine. We took our iPods and I took my nintendo so that Archie could play on it in the car. The trip was about an hour  so we arrived about half past ten. We had quite a boring trip but we didn't ask mum all the time are we there yet? I helped mum find the place where we needed to be because we hadn't been there for a  tleast two years or not more, so I read off a piece of paper that mum had wrote out of where we needed to turn and things like that. When we got there Grandma & Grandad were already waiting down the road standing there so that they could show us where the B&B was. When we wanted to go inside and have a look the lady pushed us out because she said that we couldn't come in because she was cleaning their room. So instead we went to find a shopping place. We found Waitrose which took us a little while to find but we found it. We went inside & had a cup of tea & coffee & a little bite to eat. Next we went to find food & things like that for a picnic. We found some food & went to find a beach. We found this really nice beach where we ate our picnic & played for a couple of hours. Then we went back to the car. On the way back Mum bought us each an ice cream. We went to find our hotel when where we found it we went for a shower. Then we went into a little river and played for a bit, then we went to bed.

(In the New Forest horses roam free & often walk in the middle of the road stopping the traffic. Each horse is owned & every year the horses are rounded up for counting. Unfortunately every year 100 horses are killed by traffic)

Saturday 16 July 2011

The Great Party

Today we had a party for Papa's 90th birthday. His birthday isn't until the 14th of september but seeing as all of the family was there we decided to have a little party. We had to write on a card 90 things what we love about Papa. We had a great day with 18 people turning up. There were 7 kids out of that 18 so there were 11 adults. We had lots of yummy food that Nona and Mad Auntie Mag has made. We had so much food that we couldn't finish it all. We also had a great cake made by auntie Vicky with amazing icing which the cake said happy birthday. I had lots of fun that day and I hope that papa did too.