Tuesday 5 July 2011

Monday 4th July 2011

Today was the day that we were flying to England. I couldn't wait to get to England to visit all of our family. We woke up about 4:30 and lay in bed for a wee bit. Then I got up and had a shower to start our day. While I was having a shower Mum and the boys still layed in bed for a wee bit. Next Mum got up and had a shower. While she was doing that I made her and I a cup of tea. After that the boys got all dressed and we packed up our stuff in our suit cases. Once we had packed all of our stuff we went out of our room and went to get some breakfast. The boys both had Bugar King. Archie had a cheese bugar and Callum had a bq chicken bugar. Mum and I had toast and egg with also a little milo. We dipped the toast in the egg because the egg was quite runny. Next we went back to our room and got our laugage. Once we had grabbed all of our laugage we went to the front desk of the hotel and gave them the key to sign out. After that we wen to the sky train to go into teminal 3. When we got to terminal 3 we went to the butterfly park to have a look at the butterfly's. They were amazing. Next we went to the play park and let Archie have a play because it was only 5 years and under. While Archie was having a play I went on the internet and had a look on the blog. Next we went to the place where we board and got our laugage checked. It was all clean luckily. Finally after a while we got the call to get onto the plane. We sat in row 47. The plane ride was very long and we had quite a bit of turbulance which was really annoying. Once we got off the plabne we went inton the place where they check your passport. We were all good with our passports. Then we got our bags and headed to see Pop's. We were really excited when we saw him. That is all I have to sayfor now,


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