Sunday 10 July 2011

Friday 8th July 8.7.11

Today Nona and Pops had a surprise for us. We were going to the Milestones History Museum. Callum and I went in the little KA car with Pops driving while Nona, Archie and Mum went in the other car with Mum driving. While Pops was driving he said that we were going to go past the road to turn into to go and see were Mum and Dad got married. He asked if we wanted to stop and go and have a look inside were they got married so we said yes. When we got inside the Church it was quite amazing and Pops said that it was at least 1000 years old. We went on to the museum. We paid for our tickets. They said that we had to wear these stickers to say that we had paid. Next we went down stairs and got some searching things that us kids had to search for. We found everything that we had to find. I took lots of photo's. While I was looking around I found a little place where there were old in day clothes. Callum and I both dressed up while Mum took pictures of us. I dressed up in this sort of dress which was really weird. Next we went back upstairs so that we could have our picnic lunch that Nona had made for us. It was delicious. I had four quarters of the ham and cheese sandwiches. I also had a penguin and a strawberry yogurt. After that we went back upstairs and finished the museum. When we got home Pops, Flora, Callum and I went for a walk called the Middle Way. It was quite long. When we got home Nona had cooked crispy chicken for us. I had a great day.

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