Tuesday 26 July 2011

NCT Friends

Last Wednesday we went to visit Mum's friends. They all formed a group in England when we were all babies & called it the "NCT friends". They are called that becasue before you had your baby you went to these classes called the National Childbirth Trust. We went to Sarah's house & two other ladies turned up as well. All the kids were a bit shy to start with as we hadn't seen each other for ages. Jacob, Oliver & Elliot showed us around their house. Jodie came as well with her Mum. Sarah made pizza, chilli and brownie for tea. The brownie was yummy.

Visiting Uncle Fred

We went to visit Uncle Fred last Friday. When we arrived he gave us a kiss & asked us if we would like a drink. Uncle Fred also bought out a plate of biscuits with some pringles on as well. Next us kids went outside to play. We looked at Uncle Fred's photos in his study. Mum told us it was time to leave & wnated some photos of us with Uncle Fred.

Monday 25 July 2011


On Saturday Archie, Josh, Uncle Angus, Pops and I went to Twickenham for a tour. We got there at about 10.30am so we had a look around the shop Mum gave us some money to spend. The tour started at 11.00am first we just got a look inside of how big it was, it has about 82,000 seats. After that we went to all the boxes including the royal boxes.Later we went to the changing rooms and I sat were Mike Tindall sits. When we went out onto the pitch jehovas witnesses were doing a play so we ran through a whole lot a shepherds. We weren't allowed on the pitch so then we went to the rugby museum after that we went back to the shop and I bought a poster and a mini world cup ball. 

by Call 

Friday 22 July 2011


Lots of excitement in the Bryan and Trowern house hold today. We are going to London. We were going for one night to just to see all of the sights. When we got on the train Archie was very chatty about the train because he had never been on one. He started counting all the trains that went past and that he could see. He said that he got about 201 but I don't think that he got that many. Finally after a little while we got to Waterloo train station. We had left from Whit church station. We got off the train and went to get our tickets for the London Eye that night. Next we went and found our bus that we had got tickets for to go and see all the sights from that bus. That was great seeing all of the sights from the bus, we could see everything from there. We got off the bus at Westminster Abbey so that we could have a look around. I also bought an umbrella with the Union Jack on it from the gift shop at the Westminster Abbey gift shop. Next we hopped back on the bus and went off to Pizza Express to have tea. Nona had printed off some vouchers from the computer off their website and got a great tea there it was fabulous. Callum, Archie and I had an ice-cream each and the man didn't charge us for Callums ice-cream so Pops gave him a tip. When we got to the Travel Lodge, we had a cuppa and then went to bed because we were so tired. I had to sleep with Nona and Pops in there room because we didn't have enough room with mum. I had great fun that day.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Horse Riding in the New Forest - Friday 15th July

Much excitement today as we were going horse riding. We eventually found the place. The lady got the horses sorted. Katy was riding on Triby, Callum was on Wizbit, Archie was on Bounty & Mummy was on Louie. We went for a half hour ride in the forest. Archie was lead by the lady as it was his first time. We had a little trot, it was very bouncy. We wanted to have another ride as soon as we got back. It was great fun.

Sunday 17 July 2011

New forest - Thursday 14th July

Today we were going to leave for going to go to the New Forest to see Grandma and Grandad while we are over here. Grandma and Grandad were driving from all the way from Glasgow in Scotland. That drive took them about eight hours so they stayed the night in a place called Banbury. We had to have breakfast early so that we could get away early so that we could do alot. We left here about quarter past nine. We took our iPods and I took my nintendo so that Archie could play on it in the car. The trip was about an hour  so we arrived about half past ten. We had quite a boring trip but we didn't ask mum all the time are we there yet? I helped mum find the place where we needed to be because we hadn't been there for a  tleast two years or not more, so I read off a piece of paper that mum had wrote out of where we needed to turn and things like that. When we got there Grandma & Grandad were already waiting down the road standing there so that they could show us where the B&B was. When we wanted to go inside and have a look the lady pushed us out because she said that we couldn't come in because she was cleaning their room. So instead we went to find a shopping place. We found Waitrose which took us a little while to find but we found it. We went inside & had a cup of tea & coffee & a little bite to eat. Next we went to find food & things like that for a picnic. We found some food & went to find a beach. We found this really nice beach where we ate our picnic & played for a couple of hours. Then we went back to the car. On the way back Mum bought us each an ice cream. We went to find our hotel when where we found it we went for a shower. Then we went into a little river and played for a bit, then we went to bed.

(In the New Forest horses roam free & often walk in the middle of the road stopping the traffic. Each horse is owned & every year the horses are rounded up for counting. Unfortunately every year 100 horses are killed by traffic)

Saturday 16 July 2011

The Great Party

Today we had a party for Papa's 90th birthday. His birthday isn't until the 14th of september but seeing as all of the family was there we decided to have a little party. We had to write on a card 90 things what we love about Papa. We had a great day with 18 people turning up. There were 7 kids out of that 18 so there were 11 adults. We had lots of yummy food that Nona and Mad Auntie Mag has made. We had so much food that we couldn't finish it all. We also had a great cake made by auntie Vicky with amazing icing which the cake said happy birthday. I had lots of fun that day and I hope that papa did too.

Friday 15 July 2011

Visiting old friends - Weds 13th July

We went up to Maidenhead on Wednesday to visit a good friend of Mum's called Sam. We drove on the motorway & tried to spot all the different types of cars. Sam's boys were at school when we arrived. For lunch we had crusty bread, ham & cheese - yummy. At 3pm we walked to the school to collect the boys. On the way back we had an ice cream from the ice cream van. It was a fun day.

Thursday 14 July 2011


Today mum, pops, Archie and I went into Andover to get the train tickets when we got back mum went to pick up Katy from Tobys house. Suddenly the postman arrived with our i pods so we ran  inside but we weren't allowed to open it 9 mintues later mum arrived home so we could open them. For lunch we had a sausage roll. We left at 1pm the play was called Joseph and the technicoloured dream coat Ollie was Joseph. After the play we went to Ollies house for a few hours. For tea we had quiche.

by call

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Water Play

A perfect summer's day. Went to visit some friends we have known since Katy was born. The kids spent the day messing about in the paddling pool & on the water slide & playing badminton. A great time was had by all :-) It is lovely to catch up with old friends. Katy stayed for a sleepover with Jemima. Katy & Callum were amazed that Jemima & Toby start school at 8.10am & finish at 6.30pm & have to go to school on Saturday mornings!!! Winton pupils don't know how lucky they are..........

Monday 11 July 2011


Yesterday Ollie and Josh came round to play because Antuy Vicky had a 5km run to raise money for Cancer research. They arrived about 9.00 am.5 minutes later Autny Vicky and Aucle Angus went and we got ready to go for a walk round the triangle we got into some togs and we went paddling in the river. After that we came back and played soccer.15 minutes later Papa arrived. for lunch we had roast chicken which was yummy. Then we went to the park and played more football. When we got back we played badminton.Soon after they left and for tea we had Dracula sandwiches mmmmmmmm.


Sunday 10 July 2011

Saturday 9th July 9.7.11

Today Papa took us out for lunch at MacDonald's. I had a Double Cheese Burger, with chips and a diet coke, Archie had Chicken Nuggets, with chips, a diet coke, a little toy to play with and a balloon, Callum had a Chicken Legend, with chips and a strawberry milkshake, Mum had a Chicken and Bacon sub, with chips and a diet coke and Pap had a McChicken Burger, with chips and a diet coke. After we had all had our lunch we went to Primark because we had a bit of time before we had to be seated at the show. When we were in Primark I got a pair of long skinny jeans, Callum got a T-Shirt and Archie got some new slip-on shoes. Next we went to New Look were I got a pair of three quarters pair jeans, the boys didn't get anything there because it was an all girls shop. Next we went back to the car t go to the theater to see the play How The Kola Learnt To Hug. It was a bit young for me but it was alright. Mum bought us each a pair of bubble mixture. It was fun because we got to use the bubbles in the theater. After that we dropped Papa at home and went home ourselves. It was a pretty tiring day for all of us.

Friday 8th July 8.7.11

Today Nona and Pops had a surprise for us. We were going to the Milestones History Museum. Callum and I went in the little KA car with Pops driving while Nona, Archie and Mum went in the other car with Mum driving. While Pops was driving he said that we were going to go past the road to turn into to go and see were Mum and Dad got married. He asked if we wanted to stop and go and have a look inside were they got married so we said yes. When we got inside the Church it was quite amazing and Pops said that it was at least 1000 years old. We went on to the museum. We paid for our tickets. They said that we had to wear these stickers to say that we had paid. Next we went down stairs and got some searching things that us kids had to search for. We found everything that we had to find. I took lots of photo's. While I was looking around I found a little place where there were old in day clothes. Callum and I both dressed up while Mum took pictures of us. I dressed up in this sort of dress which was really weird. Next we went back upstairs so that we could have our picnic lunch that Nona had made for us. It was delicious. I had four quarters of the ham and cheese sandwiches. I also had a penguin and a strawberry yogurt. After that we went back upstairs and finished the museum. When we got home Pops, Flora, Callum and I went for a walk called the Middle Way. It was quite long. When we got home Nona had cooked crispy chicken for us. I had a great day.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Trip down memory lane

Took Katy, Callum & Archie to see the church where Stew & I got married all those years ago..............

Olden Days Museum

Took the kids to an olden days museum - Victorian, Edwardian & 1930s onwards. Sad thing was I recognised some of the things in the exhibition of items!!! Katy & Callum dressed up in olden days clothes - very authentic. Archie loved the old Victorian house with the outside toilet, decided to give it a try!!!

Friday 8 July 2011

I went to feed the fish and to feed the ducks. I had a great time. It was fun. Ollie and Josh (our cousins) came to see us at tea time. They were fun to play with and we had a great time with our cousins. We went fishing yesterday, it was fun but we didn't catch any fish - oh well we had a great time. I am having a great time with Nona and Pops.How are you doing Dad at home? I miss you Dad. When I get home I am going to have a great time at home. I miss you Dad. Nona and Katy brought me and Callum some Armies. We are having a great time with the army men.
From Archie

Thursday 7 July 2011


Archie wanted to go fishing with his fishing net on Wednesday. We headed off to Pig Bridge to try our luck, we knew there were fish as we had seen them. But could we catch them? The Bryan children don't have much patience for fishing! So after 5 minutes & nothing landing in our nets, fishing was abandon. All we achieved was to lose one of Archie newly purchased crocs, to be last seen floating down the river..........

Tuesday 5 July 2011


Yesterday we went into andover to do some shopping. First we went to Lidls to do some food shopping, then we went to Tescos to do some more food shopping. I got some jean shorts and a shirt. When we got home we saw Papa and we had lunch. We had egg sandwiches afterwards we went for a walk to the Upper Mill where Flora went for a swim. For tea we had fush and chips.

Bye call

Monday 4th July 2011

Today was the day that we were flying to England. I couldn't wait to get to England to visit all of our family. We woke up about 4:30 and lay in bed for a wee bit. Then I got up and had a shower to start our day. While I was having a shower Mum and the boys still layed in bed for a wee bit. Next Mum got up and had a shower. While she was doing that I made her and I a cup of tea. After that the boys got all dressed and we packed up our stuff in our suit cases. Once we had packed all of our stuff we went out of our room and went to get some breakfast. The boys both had Bugar King. Archie had a cheese bugar and Callum had a bq chicken bugar. Mum and I had toast and egg with also a little milo. We dipped the toast in the egg because the egg was quite runny. Next we went back to our room and got our laugage. Once we had grabbed all of our laugage we went to the front desk of the hotel and gave them the key to sign out. After that we wen to the sky train to go into teminal 3. When we got to terminal 3 we went to the butterfly park to have a look at the butterfly's. They were amazing. Next we went to the play park and let Archie have a play because it was only 5 years and under. While Archie was having a play I went on the internet and had a look on the blog. Next we went to the place where we board and got our laugage checked. It was all clean luckily. Finally after a while we got the call to get onto the plane. We sat in row 47. The plane ride was very long and we had quite a bit of turbulance which was really annoying. Once we got off the plabne we went inton the place where they check your passport. We were all good with our passports. Then we got our bags and headed to see Pop's. We were really excited when we saw him. That is all I have to sayfor now,


Monday 4 July 2011

Singapore to UK

Cal took another pic of the plane before boarding the flight from Singapore to UK - looks the same as the first one!!

Sunday 3 July 2011


today we are going to england we leave at 1.00 nz time on another 777 it will take 13 hours but we get to see nona and pops (grandma and grandad)


England Today !!!!!

Today is our last flight for about a whole month. Yay Yay!!! I am so excited about visiting England and seeing all of our family and especially going shopping with Nona, Papa and hopefully you Grandma. The flight is going to be long though but I am sure that it is all worth it. We all had a good sleep last night and we woke up about half past four. We are also going to see the Butterflies this morning as Archie really wanted to. Can't wait to see you all soon.


Flight to Singapore

Today was our second flight for our big anveture to England. We boarded the triple seven at 10:15am. Once we had waited awhile for the rolling in fog to go (which it didn't) we finally left for the runway to get off the south - island and into Singapore. We were in rows 33 GHJK. We had a 3 then one person had to sit in the middle of the rows. For take - off Archie sat by the window, Callum sat in the middle, I sat beside Callum and Mum sat on the other side of the isle. The food we got first was alright but it wasn't great, we got a Kit-Kat with it so I think that that was the best part of that meal. Our second meal and our last meal for that plane trip was the best because we got a mini mince pie and we got a little pack of MnM's. I loved thoes. It took us ages for us to land. I don't know why but it was very cloudy and we had a bit of turbulance. That is all I have time for right know. Talk to you guys soon.


In Sinagpore

I miss you Dad. I am having a great time.
I am going to miss school. I love school.
From Archie.

flight to singapore.

today we flew to singapore it took 10 hours but we finally got here.I'm up at 11.18 pm  in nz time wrighting this we're going back to the hotel and get to bed tommorow we will go to londen at 1.00 pm tommorow.We got to see the fish and hopfully we can see the sun flowers im walking around in shorts and t-shirts and bare feet to show how we roll!!

bye call

CHC Plane

Cal took a photo of the plane before boarding for the first flight to Singapore from CHC. According to Archie - the plane's very fat and chubby.....

Saturday 2 July 2011


hi room 1 im having a great trip so far tommorow we're going to singapore it will take 12 hours then the flight to london will take 13 hour hope lian is all right


First Flight 2.7.11

Today was our first  flight to start off our big trip to England. Our flight was at 3:15pm. We left from Invercargill airport. We flew with Air New Zealand. They are very nice and always very polite. When we first left before we got on the plane we (us kids) had made Dad a card for him. We gave it to him before we got the call to go on the plane. He said that he would sit them by his bed side table so that he could remember them for when he goes to bed. When we were walking to go on the plane I started crying because I was upset because we were leaving Dad for one whole month. He also said that he had given Mum a present for all of us and that she had to give them to us on the plane but we weren't allowed to open them until we had taken off and that we were in the air. When I opened mine I got a book called Diamond Spirit. I also got in the book two photos of Dad and I and also a picture of him Calum, Archie and I. I cried again because I am that sort of person. I also made Mu cry by accdient, I didn't mean to but she just sort of saw me crying and also started crying a wee bit to. I got to sit with Mum on that flight, I also got to sit by the window were as Callum and Archie got to sit together on the other side of the ile. Archie sat by the window for take off and Callum sat by the window for the landing. When we got to the airport it was a smooth landing really. We got inside the airport Mum said that it had changed alot but I didn't realy notice the change because we hadn't been thereb for awhile but oh well. After that we got our laguage and went off to the hotel that we were staying in. We had a bit of trouble fining it but we got there. After we checked in we went down to our room number 819. We found the Humes quite easily and when for a cup of tea in there room. They booked two rooms After that we went down to the main room and ordered some tea. I got the chicken nuggets and chips. I also got a diet coke so did Archie. For desert I had an ice - cream sundae with carmel topping. Archie also had the same as me. Callum had the same but with chocolate topping. Next we went down to our room and got all sorted for bed. I had a shower and got inton my pj's. While is was doing that Mum and the boys watched some tv they watched Back at the Barnyard the movie. Soon we are going to watch the rugby at the bar. Well that is it for now so I will update this tomorrow and tell you about our flight to singapore.

By Katy